Hello and welcome to my website. My name’s Georgina Strickland and I’m a Foot & Facial Reflexologist working with people from pre-conception to the elderly – covering a lifespan. I specialise in Women’s Health but this is by no means my only interest and I enjoy working with people of all ages and backgrounds.
As a highly qualified and experienced Facial Reflexologist, I enjoy creating bespoke treatment plans, using a mix of techniques, to suit your health needs. I live in Kent, England and work in Maidstone, Medway (Rainham, Gillingham) and the surrounding areas.
The photos on my site mean a lot to me. The content is much like a blog and holds a wealth of information about reflexology in its many forms including my thoughts, experience and training regarding this powerful therapy.
On trying to source photographs to illustrate “a lifespan” I realised I had all the material I needed in my dear Nan’s family photos. Most of the photos on this site are of my Nan (who loved reflexology), Grandad and family, spanning from birth to old age and I think they capture a very special time and spirit including the importance of family.
I believe that Reflexology can help the whole family remain balanced and calm and help make life happier & healthier for all. Thanks for taking a look, please email me any questions and I hope to hear from you soon.

The healing art of Reflexology dates back to Ancient Egypt, India and China, with the first recordings of it being in Egypt 2000 BC on the physician to the pharaoh’s tomb Ankmahor.
However, it wasn’t until 1913 that Dr William Fitzgerald introduced this therapy to the West as ‘zone therapy’. He noted that reflex areas on the feet and hands were linked to other areas and organs of the body within the same zone.
In the 1930s Eunice Ingham further developed this zone theory into what is now known as Reflexology. She observed that congestion or tension in any part of the foot is mirrored in the corresponding part of the body and thus modern-day Reflexology as we know it was born.
Reflexology has been known to man for thousands of years. It is a natural healing therapy based on the principle that the anatomy of the body is reflected in miniature on reflex zones on the feet and hands. By using specific pressure techniques and massage on these regions, healing is both initiated and accelerated in the corresponding area of the body. For each person the application and the effect of the therapy is unique. Sensitive, trained hands may detect tiny deposits and imbalances in the feet, and by working on these points the Reflexologist can potentially release blockages and restore the free flow of energy to the whole body. Tensions may be eased, and circulation and elimination improved. This gentle therapy encourages the body to heal itself and may counteract a lifetime of misuse.
Following illness, stress, injury or disease, the body is in a state of “imbalance”, and vital energy pathways are blocked, preventing the body from functioning effectively. Reflexology is thought to restore and maintain the body’s natural equilibrium and encourage healing.
This simple, non-invasive, beautifully balancing therapy brings relief to a wide range of acute and chronic conditions and is suitable for all ages.
There are many theories on how and why Reflexology works but I believe it works in the following ways:
- Promoting deep muscle relaxation which relieves stress and tension and allows the nervous system to calm down and function more normally
- Improving cardiovascular and lymphatic circulation allowing oxygen to reach all the cells
- Stimulating and inhibiting nerve impulses to the brain, particularly involving the autonomic nervous system
- Helping to reduce pain, through gate control theory, and stimulates the production of endorphins
- Effecting the body’s electromagnetic field
Providing many psychological benefits by giving personal attention and care and allowing the client an hour of rest, stillness and quiet in a constantly busy, active, often stressful, world.

There are many benefits of receiving Reflexology as it may
- Induce relaxation of body & mind
- Remove toxins from the body by removing blockages from energy pathways resulting in clearer skin, colour & tone
- Help to balance the physical & emotional body
- Improve circulation
- Strengthen immunity to resist disease
- Aid digestion
- Increase self-awareness, motivation & self-appreciation
I believe Reflexology can be effective for the following conditions
- Fertility issues
- Pain
- Sleep Disorders
- Sports Injuries
- Migraine and Headaches
- Stress and Anxiety
- Joint Pain
- Hormonal Imbalances
- Digestive Disorders
- Allergies
- Thyroid Disorders
- Mental Health Issues
- Pregnancy
- … and many more
However, Reflexology does not claim to cure or diagnose. It helps the body regain homeostasis, or balance, through relaxation, improving nerve flow and circulation and releasing blocked energy channels. It activates your internal healing mechanisms allowing the body to heal itself.
Here’s others say:

As Reflexology is a holistic therapy and treats the whole person, not just the symptom, on your first visit there is a preliminary consultation, where your general health and medical history will be discussed. The treatment then begins with work on your feet (or hands if necessary). The sensation is pleasant and soothing as Reflexology will relax you while potentially stimulating your body’s own healing mechanisms. Each session will leave you feeling relaxed and peaceful, thus allowing stress and tension to flow freely from the body. It is thought that as the chemical balance in the body returns to normal, so more energy and vitality is available to the whole body.
Sometimes, after the first treatment, you may feel a little tired or sleepy, as healing begins to occur. Other possible healing reactions include the need to urinate and eliminate more often or a runny nose, but this does not last long and is a positive sign that the body is releasing toxins and impurities.
To help this healing process, it is advisable to drink plenty of water for 24 hours after each treatment, to help flush out toxins, and try to stay as calm and relaxed as possible.
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