Information on my
covid secure policy
To help keep us all safe, I am following strict covid secure guidelines as stipulated by the Government and The Association of Reflexologists. Here’s a link to the full policy:
As a responsible and lovely client you will be required to:
- Complete a risk assessment before each treatment (this will be texted to you the day before your appointment
- Please come to your appointment alone
- Leave non essential items such as bags, phones, coats, watches, jewellery in the car
- Wear appropriate comfortable clothing
- On arrival declare if anything has changed with your health or within your family unit.
- Wash or sanitize your hands on arrival
- Please bring your own face covering
- Bring your own bottle of water (recommended)
- Inform me if you develop symptoms of Covid-19 after your treatment
- Please pay by card or bank transfer where possible to avoid the use of cash.
- Please wash or sanitise your hands before you leave
Hygiene and your safety is of paramount importance to me and if there is anything you are unsure about please let me know before your appointment.

Due to my diary being busy in both clinics and people often having to wait a few weeks for an appointment (especially weekend and evening appointments), I have had to put a cancellation policy in place as follows:
- Appointments cancelled or rescheduled on day of appointment – 50% payable
- Missed appointments / No shows – Full payment required
- Appointments cancelled or rescheduled with more than 24 hours notice – No fee
I always text clients an appointment reminder the day before.
As I have a “stand by” list, I’m often able to fill appointments but unfortunately late cancellations are denying someone else the opportunity to have a treatment and feel better. I completely understand that sometimes this is unavoidable but if you could give me enough notice as possible it would be much appreciated. I hope you find this acceptable.
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Due to the General Data Protection Regulations effective from May 2018, I need to tell you a few things about how I use your personal information. Please be assured that:
I will only use the contact details you use to make enquiries with me to reply
I will not store, use or sell your information for marketing purposes
All information we discuss will remain strictly confidential
Should you decide to commence treatment with me, I will provide you with my data protection policy which explains how and why I have to keep paper records of your personal information as part of your treatment plan. Should you decide not to proceed, all information and contact details will be erased.
In line with the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), please see below details of my Privacy Policy.
It is really important that you read this.
When you come for reflexology, you’ll now be asked to sign a document to say you have read and understood the privacy policy and that you consent to the use of your data as described in the privacy policy.

Privacy Notice
(Why I collect your personal data and what we do with it)
When you supply your personal details to me they are stored and processed for four reasons (the bits in bold are the relevant terms used in the General Data Protection Regulation – ie the law):
- I need to collect personal information about your health in order to provide you with the best possible treatment. Your requesting treatment and our agreement to provide that care constitutes a contract. You can, of course, refuse to provide the information, but if you were to do that I would not be able to provide treatment.
- I have a “legitimate interest” in collecting the information, because without it I couldn’t do my job as a Reflexologist effectively, professionally and safely.
- I also think that it is important that I can contact you in order to confirm your appointments with me or to update you on matters related to your treatment plan and care. This again constitutes “legitimate interest”, but this time it is your legitimate interest.
- Provided I have your consent, I may occasionally send you general health information in the form of articles, advice or newsletters. You may withdraw this consent at any time – just let me know by any convenient method.
I have a legal obligation to retain your records for 8 years after your most recent appointment (or age 25, if this is longer) but after this period you can ask me to delete your records if you wish. Otherwise, I will retain your records indefinitely in order that I can provide you with the best possible care should you need to see me at some future date.
Your records are stored on paper, in locked filing cabinets. At Southcote the office is locked and alarmed out of working hours. Treatment plans may also be stored on my computer which is password protected and backed up regularly. Documents will also be password protected.
I will never share your data with anyone who does not need access (unless required to do so for legal reasons, including Covid 19 Track and Trace), without your written consent. At Southcote, the only people who will have access to your data are reception staff to organise appointments and reminders and the book keeper for accounting purposes. No one else will have access to your medical notes or file without your written consent, just your essential contact details.
At Southcote, from time to time, consultants may be employed to perform tasks which might give access to your personal data (but not medical notes). We will ensure that they are fully aware that they must treat that information as strictly confidential, and we will ensure that they sign a non-disclosure agreement.
You have the right to see what personal data of yours I hold, and you can ask me to correct errors. Provided the legal minimum period has elapsed, you can ask me to erase your records.
I want you to be absolutely confident that I am treating your personal data responsibly, and that I am doing everything I can to make sure your information is safe and that only those who have a genuine need to do so (such as admin staff) can access it.
If you feel I am mishandling your personal data in some way, you have the right to complain. Complaints need to be sent to what is referred to in the jargon as the “Data Controller”. Here are the details you need for that:
Georgina Strickland / Lifespan Reflexology;; 07870409681; c/o Southcote Proactive Healthcare, 3 Sittingbourne Road, Maidstone, Kent, ME14 5ES
If you are not satisfied with my response, then you have the right to raise the matter with the Information Commissioner’s Office.
If you have any questions about the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. It all sounds very formal but is necessary to assure you that I take keeping your information and safety very seriously
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