Hello lovely people, how are you all doing? I really hope 2025 has started off positively for you and you’re keeping warm, happy and sane during these last dark days of winter. I thought it was time f
Open Letter to Boris…Let Us Work!
Following the last few weeks of lobbying, press releases and letters to MP’s, the Association of Reflexologists have written a final letter to Mr Johnson. We demand to be shown clinical / medical evid
Dien Chan Zone…a new perspective
As you may already know, in March 2018, I attended Helen Black’s (Mirror Medicine) Operator Course in Dien Chan Zone, Italian Facial Reflexology. I’d been following Helen on Instagram for a while and
Jogging on…running, a book recommendation, reflexology and mental health
It’s a freezing cold, rainy evening in late January. I have a rare Tuesday evening off work. And I’ve just got in from a very rare run in the dark. And the wonderful book Jog On by Bella Mackie that I
New clinic, new opportunities…no great changes
Two blogs in the space of one month…I must be super busy. As the saying goes…if you want something doing…ask a busy mum. Because they’re the ones that get stuff done! So the last few weeks have been a
Reflexology for fertility – my story, feet, a self help guide and the power of your face!
Trying for a baby…maybe reflexology can help? Over the years I have treated many, many women who came to see me because it was taking a while for them to conceive their much longed for babies. I alway
Facial Reflexology…my thoughts and experience…so far…
Since completing the Dien Chan Zone Operator course in March 2018, I’ve received a lot of messages from people asking for my opinion on the course and facial reflexology in general. As this course was
Japanese Cosmo Facelift case study
Back in February 2017 I decided it was time to do a case study for the Japanese Cosmo Facelift treatment I trained in 2015. Although I’ve done many treatments of this type – which is an off shoot of F
Facial Reflexology…Sorensensistem Vs Bergman Method
Recently I completed training in another system of Facial Reflexology (in October 2017) so thought this was a good time to do my first blog about my thoughts on it so far. I’m still not too sure what